Written by Taylor Wilson

Hi, I’m Taylor, a year 10 student from Manchester who has loved all things stage and screen for as long as I can remember. When it came to finding work experience, I knew I wanted to immerse myself in the industry. After considering acting schools and local cinemas, I chose Manchester Film Festival as a great place to learn more about the filmmaking landscape in the UK. I immediately knew this was the perfect place to really see what goes on behind the scenes and I couldn’t wait to get started!

In the few days of my placement at MFF I was able to learn a huge amount about how film festivals are run, the work that goes into them all year round, and the many ways they help films and filmmakers reach new screens and communities.

I met the festival’s Head of Programming, who tought me how films are submitted, reviewed and selected for the festival, and I even had the chance to review some films myself!  I also spoke to the Festival Assistant, who explained the importance of reaching a wide audience and ensuring that everyone feels welcomed, even if you’ve never had any involvement in filmmaking! I am grateful to everyone here who has made me feel so welcome and involved – they’ve all been so friendly and really opened my eyes to a world of film that I didn’t know existed.

I recommend Manchester Film Festival to anyone who is looking for work experience in the industry, no matter your age. I look forward to hearing and seeing more about the success of MFF ’25 and I can’t wait to be involved again in the future.


If you’d like to discuss a work placement with Manchester Film Festival contact [email protected] and keep an eye out for volunteer sign ups for MFF ’25, coming in November.